5. Job Search
Timely and appropriate support is provided to achieve successful employment.
Job acquisition is the goal of supported employment. While volunteering is valuable, it is not paid employment.
Get to know the skills, abilities and preferences of the job seeker to determine what type of job would be best suited to the individual. Long periods of pre-employment may not be appropriate or necessary for all job seekers that are eager to be employed in their community.
Employment can be found using a variety of methods including:
- Traditional employment - researching labour market, applying as mainstream job seekers, using resumes, interviewing, etc.
- Customized employment - in consultation with potential employers, you determine if a suitable job could be customized to match the skills and abilities of the job seeker and the needs of the employer. A proposal may be required outlining the particulars of the “new” job tasks, hours, wage, etc. Once the employer has approved the proposal, a contract for services is written up and signed by the employer. With customized employment, the job description did not exist previously – it was created from scratch or modified from an existing description.
- Self-employment - the job seeker operates his or her own business that typically stems from a hobby or an interest (see Self-Employment section of the website for more information).